Fosroc Concrete Admixtures Bangladesh

Urban Solutions is distributor Authorized applicator ,wholesale agent of Fosroc Construction chemicals company for territory BangladeshCall : 01718996403,


Fosroc Concrete Admixture 

 Fosroc Concrete Admixtures list....

Concrete Admixtures
Typical Uses
Conplast SP337
20& 200 Ltr
High Performance water reducing super plasticiser. Confirms to IS:7103-1999. Also complies with IS:2645-2003. BS 5075 part 3 and ASTM C-494 Type F.
Provides high quality concrete with accelerated early strength.
ml/bag of cement
Conplast SP 430G8
250 Kg
High range super plasticising admixture complies with IS:9103: 1999 & BS 5075
Part3. It also confirms to ASTM C-494 Type F & Type G
Provides high water reducing, Retarding & high ultimate strength.
450 ml-1 Ltr
bag of cement
5,10,20 & 200 Ltr
Integral waterproofing admixture for concrete & mortar. Confirms to IS:2645-2003 & IS:9103-1999
Provides increase the waterproofing properties concrete & cement sand mortars
ml/bag of cement
Conplast CN
20 Ltr
Calcium nitrate based corrosion inhibiting admixture.
Provides as a corrosion inhibiting admixture for use in concrete where Calcium Nitrite is required
by weight of cement
Conplast NC
20 Ltr
Chloride free accelerating admixture. Complies with IS:9103-99, BS 5075 part 1 & ASTM C494 Type C.
Provides accelerates the setting time of concrete & helps in early strength gain of cement in concrete & mortar mixes..
1-1.5 Ltrs/bag of cement
Auramix 300
200 kg
Advanced low viscosity retarding Superplasticiser, based on polycarboxylic technology.
Auramix 300 is a high performance retarding superplasticiser intended for applications where retardation & long workability retention are required, eg-Mass raft foundation, pumped concrete, high performance concrete, concrete requiring long workability retention
dosage: 0.3-0.5 Ltr
Bag of cement

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